Sanitation Services

Sanitation Services

In House Disposal located in Stoneham MA, now offers sanitation services to the greater Boston, North Shore area.

Simply order the dumpster size that you need. In House Disposal will deliver the dumpster to you and leave it on site at your business. Then we will schedule pickups for you as frequently as you need. We have dumpsters sizes of 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 yards.

We also offer hand stops for places that you cannot fit a dumpster like condos.

Now offering curbside pick up to Winchester Residents!

Call 781-568-9158 to schedule your curbside service

In House Disposal now offers curbside pick of trash to residents in Winchester MA. 2 Barrels picked up, 1 per week for $12 per week.

Waste, Debris, & Junk Removal, Dumpster Rentals, Demolition, Building Material Removal & Hauling